Addon resources


This resource is a character selection menu allowing players to have multiple characters, without this resource ND Core will be single character based.

Preview video

Setup guide

Install the resource

Download and add the resource to your server ND_Characters (opens in a new tab)

Install optional dependencies

Resource start order

start fivem-appearance
start ND_Characters


ND_Characters contains a config.lua file, each configuration option is explained here:


This is a command that will open the character selection page.

changeCharacterCommand = "changecharacter" if command /changecharacter is used then ui will open.

changeCharacterCommand = false command doesn't register and this feature is completely disabled.


Simply the max amount of characters a player can have at once.


Logo to display on the character selection menu.


Collection of images to use, one of these images will be randomly picked and used as the background image.


When a character is created this is what they're money will be set to.


Jobs that the player can pick when creating a character. Access is based on discord role ids. If you set it to "0" everyone will have access.

jobs = {
    ["Unemplyed"] = {"0"}, -- everyone can select Uneployed.
    ["Police"] = {
        "872921520719142932", -- players with these two discord roles can only select Police.


Setting this to true will enable paychecks for jobs.


Time in minutes between every paycheck.


Amount of money paid to a character for their job every paycheckInterval.

salaries = {
    ["Police"] = 100,
    ["Ambulance"] = 200


Every character will see "DEFAULT", only characters with the specific job will see both "DEFAULT" + the job they have in this example if the character had the "Police" job they would see the spawns for it.

spawns = {
    ["DEFAULT"] = {
        {label = "Dream View Motel (Paleto Bay)", coords = vec4(-102.78, 6336.28, 31.49, 0)},
        {label = "Eastern Motel (Sandy Shores)", coords = vec4(343.53, 2636.94, 43.94, 0)},
        {label = "Legion Square", coords = vec4(196.96, -934.54, 29.69, 0)},
        {label = "Del Perro Pier", coords = vec4(-1616.69, -1073.81, 12.15, 0)},
        {label = "LSIA", coords = vec4(-1039.65, -2741.02, 12.89, 0)}
    ["Police"] = {
        {label = "Paleto Bay Sheriff", coords = vec4(-447.2, 6009.4, 30.72, 0)},
        {label = "Sandy Shores Sheriff", coords = vec4(1849.4, 3688.6, 33.27, 0)},
        {label = "Mission Row PD", coords = vec4(437.6, -986.6, 29.69, 0)}