Setup guide

Setup guide

txAdmin recipe

For a quick setup you can use the ND Framework txAdmin recipe (opens in a new tab), you'll still need to configure the ConVar options to your preference in the file ndcore.cfg, if you encounter any issues don't hesitate to reach out.

Manual setup

Install dependencies

Install optional dependencies

Resource start order

start oxmysql
start ox_lib
start ND_Core
# all other resources below


  • create a file and name it ndcore.cfg
  • copy paste the code below
  • write exec ndcore.cfg in your server.cfg
Make sure exec ndcore.cfg is set before ND_Core is started!
    • server.cfg
    • ndcore.cfg
  • ndcore.cfg
    # Your servers name
    setr core:serverName "My FiveM Server"
    # Discord invite link
    setr core:discordInvite ""
    # Discord app id for rich presence
    setr core:discordAppId "858146067018416128"
    # Images for discord rich presence
    setr core:discordAsset "andyyy"
    setr core:discordAssetSmall "andyyy"
    # Buttons for discord rich presence
    setr core:discordActionText "DISCORD"
    setr core:discordActionLink ""
    setr core:discordActionText2 "STORE"
    setr core:discordActionLink2 ""
    # Used for getting users roles from your server, this can be useful for discord based scripts, if you don't add then it won't be used.
    # set core:discordGuildId "123456789012345678"
    # set core:discordBotToken "EXAMPLE_TOKEN.abc123.xyz456"
    # if set to true, and you have your discord token connected, users will have to join your discord to join your fivem server.
    set core:discordMemeberRequired false
    # The identifier to use for characters. Players aren't allowed to join without it, license is good don't change unless you know what you're doing.
    set core:characterIdentifier "license"
    # disable vehicle air contorl for cars and other land vehicles that's not supposed to do flips in air.
    setr core:disableVehicleAirControl true
    # % chance of random vehicles being unlocked.
    setr core:randomUnlockedVehicleChance 30
    # if true player must either hotwire a vehicle or have keys to start the engine.
    setr core:requireKeys true
    # If true it will use ox_inventory keys item for vehicles, if false it will use a keybind.
    setr core:useInventoryForKeys true
    # You can set admins here by their identifiers, admins will receive admin group in core and have access to group.admin ace perms.
    # You can also use Discord role ids, Admins get access to commands and more.
    set core:admins ["fivem:1459624", "fivem:1152629"]
    set core:adminDiscordRoles ["944284542758449212", "93422454258349612", "93345451558145232"]
    # Give groups for roles, this could be any group. If they player has the discord role they receive the group and ace perm with the same name.
    set core:groupRoles {
        "staff": ["955176855474929694", "1010595496915648624"]
    # Compatibility with other frameworks, backwards is NDCore v1, if you're not using any of these compatible frameworks then remove them from this list. Available compatibility: ["backwards", "esx", "qb"]
    setr core:compatibility ["backwards"]
    # Allow ox_lib to use commands, don't remove this!
    add_ace resource.ox_lib command.add_ace allow
    add_ace resource.ox_lib command.remove_ace allow
    add_ace resource.ox_lib command.add_principal allow
    add_ace resource.ox_lib command.remove_principal allow
    # This is jobs, gangs, police, fire, ambulance, everything.
    # minumumBossRank is the mimimum rank a player becomes boss as, some scripts may utilize boss for different permissions.
    # Rank number is counted from left to right.
    setr core:groups {
        "unemployed": {
            "label": "Unemployed",
            "minimumBossRank": 1,
            "ranks": ["Unemployed"]
        "sahp": {
            "label": "SAHP",
            "minimumBossRank": 5,
            "ranks": ["Trooper", "Senior Trooper", "Corporal", "Sergeant", "Lieutenant", "Chief"]
        "lspd": {
            "label": "LSPD",
            "minimumBossRank": 5,
            "ranks": ["Officer", "Senior officer", "Corporal", "Sergeant", "Lieutenant", "Chief"]
        "bcso": {
            "label": "BCSO",
            "minimumBossRank": 5,
            "ranks": ["Officer", "Senior officer", "Corporal", "Sergeant", "Lieutenant", "Chief"]
        "swat": {
            "label": "SWAT",
            "minimumBossRank": 3,
            "ranks": ["Member", "Sniper", "Team lead", "Commander"]
        "lsfd": {
            "label": "LSFD",
            "minimumBossRank": 5,
            "ranks": ["Volunteer", "Firefighter", "Senior firefighter", "Lieutenant", "Fire Chief"]
        "ballas": {
            "label": "Ballas",
            "minimumBossRank": 2,
            "ranks": ["Member", "Leader"]
        "families": {
            "label": "Families",
            "minimumBossRank": 2,
            "ranks": ["Member", "Leader"]
        "cartel": {
            "label": "Madrazo Cartel",
            "minimumBossRank": 2,
            "ranks": ["Member", "Leader"]